I was honored to be asked to write a short article on why I ride
endurance, specifically, why I choose to sometimes race endurance and
what got me started in the sport. I am not a writer by trade, and to
put into words what at times is an intensely emotional experience for me
is very difficult. For now, with this horse, my goals are sitius,
altius, fortius- for as long as he enjoys doing it. The exhilaration of
pushing our personal limits farther is incredible, and I believe that,
at least for my four legged partner, the feeling seems to be mutual. If
only I had a video of when he returned from his first 100 mile race! His
chest was puffed out like a peacock and he strutted out to the pasture
in front of his buddies like he was the greatest thing since sliced
bread. Whoever says pride is only a human emotion does not know horses!
introduction to endurance sports started with running ultramarathons
competitively. Actually, it started with running to lose weight which
led to ultramarathons. I have completed races up to 100 miles, can’t
remember how many marathons, and at one time proudly held three separate
women’s ultra-distance course records. I learned from ultras that we
are capable of so much more than we think we are. Some of my fondest memories
though were not of the wins or completions of tough races, but the
camaraderie amongst the runners. The front runners would cheer on the
slower runners as they passed on an out and back section, or even came
back after their finish (and a shower/nap in some cases) to welcome the
back of the pack at the finish line. Many of the top runners showed true
sportsmanship and for some of us mere mortals we could only aspire to
compete as they did. I also learned the hard way that the long term wear
and tear of training can catch up with you and what can happen when you
do not listen to your body. Unfortunately, various life challenges
cropped up that put an end on my time and ability to run/train as I once
did. But as they say, when one door closes in your life, another
opens. Mine opened to the fantastic sport of endurance riding.
had limited exposure to endurance riding indirectly via the Western
States Trail Run. The story of Gordy Ainsleigh at Tevis was familiar
to me. So I started to research endurance riding and now I had the
financial ability and geographic location to support a horse. My
husband naively said yes. Silly man- he must really love me! I started
cautiously, taking riding lessons from JoAnn Pavlis at Milemakers in CO.
I hadn’t sat on a horse in 20 years when I started lessons with her
but it came back quickly. As a kid, I used to lead trail rides at a
stable for free on the weekends year round just to have the opportunity
to ride. As for many kids though, going to college and starting a career
pretty much put an end to that. It sure didn’t take much to re-kindle
the addiction. By end of summer I had purchased a wonderful off track
Arabian I named Dakar who was looking for a new line of work.
was happy to find much of the same support in endurance riding as I had
found in ultramarathons. At my very first ride, I was “rescued” by two
wonderful riders whom I had never met before. Honestly, when I started
endurance 4 years ago at our first LD ride, I was not intending to be
competitive, at least not any time soon. Dakar had other ideas. That
first ride would have been my last were it not for Neil and Branka
McLaughlin. Dakar may not have been into the racing game on the track
anymore but he was all about it on the trails. He still gets very angry
with me if I hold him back at the finish because in my opinion the area
is not safe for him to race in or I think that it is not appropriate for
where he is in training. But that’s my part of the partnership- I’m
supposed to be the big brain.
I view myself as both a
partner and a coach for my horse which is a huge responsibility. Not
every ride we enter is a “race” for us and is sometimes just a step to a
different goal. I realize I am working with a partner who can not
verbalize what he feels—I have to be more in tune with him that I think I
ever was with myself. To make it tougher, Dakar tends to be the stoic
sort. I think one of the best things about endurance for me has been the
satisfaction I feel from helping him develop his natural abilities.
There are so many things to learn- not just actual training techniques
but what electrolyte/re-fueling strategies work best for him as an
individual; how to read him better when we are training to know when we
need to push harder or need to back off. To me, this is as fascinating
and as fun as the ride itself- I guess I am a little crazy. I may plan
out our ride season and goals a year in advance but have to be flexible
enough to alter those goals when his needs or unforeseen circumstances
dictate it. It takes a good plan and a lot of hard work to continue to
improve- it doesn’t just happen by accident, at least not for long. I
take great pride in guiding him safely through a race to completion
first, placing well in it second. If we get Best Condition or High Vet
Score, so much the better! But I would be lying if I said that a
good race wasn’t both thrilling and terrifying all at the same time!
Riding a gallop to the finish is truly a gift that I feel blessed to
have experienced but also not one to be taken lightly. The ultimate goal
is to finish safely, with a horse eager and capable of doing it again.
In my point of view, racing, riding for completion
miles/points or just to have a good time, are all fine when done with
respect to the horse. And they can all be dangerous. Sadly, abuse can
and does occur at all levels and styles of riding, whether intentional
or out of ignorance. There is always the risk of injury to either rider
or horse; it is something most of us never want to take the chance of
but as all horse owners know, even leaving a horse in its pasture is no
guarantee of safety! Personally, I feel the most dangerous part of
endurance riding is the trailer ride. There is a popular saying that
“speed kills” as an argument as to why endurance should not be a race. I
would argue that crossing the red line in any form kills. That red line
is different for every horse and varies from day to day, season to
season. No matter how you choose to ride, it is not benign. Every day
bad things happen. Some times they happen to you. When fate deigns to
offer you warning signs, you have to be willing, astute and empathetic
enough to listen. It is incumbent upon the rider to leave the ego at the
trailer. In my opinion, ego has no business on the trail.
had our first real “test” in partnership and ego abandonment most
recently at a ride where we had an unfortunate encounter with barbed
wire. It was obscured in brush and not visible in the low light of
sunrise. We were only about 3 miles from the vet check on our first
loop when we hit it-- thankfully only a slow trot as we were approaching
a water stop. Although most were very minor wounds there was one skin
laceration on his left foreleg just below his elbow. Dakar was 100%
sound when we vetted in but I asked the vets to recheck him before going
back out.. He was still sound on the recheck so we went back out. He
ran a strong second loop, pulling on me the whole way. When we came
back in off the second loop though, the vet said he was intermittently
off on the leg he had cut. That was enough for me. The vet asked what I
wanted to do— all of his other parameters were A’s. That was a
no-brainer. We retired/rider optioned. At the time, we were leading the
ride and he had a 100% ride completion rate to that point. Sure, I had
spent a lot of money, resources and time to get there. But the horse
has to come first. Always.
Of course when I formalized
our pull I shed a tear. I think one of the vets thought it was because I
was upset that we weren’t going to finish. But that wasn’t why- I was
upset because I felt I had let Dakar down. He went where I had told him
to; he trusted me and it was pure and simple rider error. It could have
happened to anyone at any place but today was our turn. That’s part of
the partnership that you have to have with your horse, whether you are
racing, riding for miles/completion or just having a great time over 50
miles with your friends. You have to be able to set your personal goals
aside for your partner. And that’s part of the beauty of endurance-
there are so many different ways to enjoy this sport and find your niche
but to do so always in respect of your silent and faithful partner.
Photos by Karl Creations
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